Topic: MasterPW + #Yesus + [R4]N3rmo  - Insulting me because im Jewish + From Israel .  (Read 9547 times)


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User Nick: Who wants to complain (Your nick) : [zGs]StarZ#[T]
Player Nick: Who you want to complain about : ~PW~MasterGame^[T1] + szirtBiceps + #Yesus +  [R4]N3rmo[T2]
Reason: Your problem - They insulting me non stop because im Jewish + From israel , they're calling me terrorist etc .

Download the file for see the logs ... They're insulting me there . Please mute them for long time or just ban them I can't see that racism against me anymore .


  • Nolifer
  • 240 hu
Please report if it happens again, wont be tolerated next time


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