Topic: Doktor úr  (Read 12279 times)


  • Nolifer
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Doktor úr
2015-07-24 02:19:53
Felhasználó: Mettyu
Játékos: Doki,Dokinas,Co-Leader
Ok: Abuser geci vagy doki ezért most árulkodok. Gokartot addolgatni minden körben csak akkor vicces ha Klucsi vagy. Te kis ratyi szar

Runcode csúnya dolog


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Re: Doktor úr
#1 2015-07-24 02:24:15
És még feedel is!!44!4


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Re: Doktor úr
#2 2015-07-24 12:53:02
Doki is amazing guy and player, i don't know why you got problems with him,he acting much better than you leaded old GoD,i don't really know about what the report but i can say that doki doesn't deserve nothing.
Mettyu is another rager player.
Last Edit: 2015-07-24 12:54:38 by _JoinT_


  • Nolifer
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Re: Doktor úr
#3 2015-07-24 12:55:03
Your word means so much really. You dont even know what is this about, so you shouldnt say anything about it.


  • Nolifer
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Re: Doktor úr
#4 2015-07-24 14:36:58
Es az aexec-t meg se emlited? Meg hogy milyen jo jezus waok?


  • Nolifer
  • 175 hu
  • GoD Rap Triology
Re: Doktor úr
#5 2015-08-16 12:43:47
Doki is amazing guy and player, i don't know why you got problems with him,he acting much better than you leaded old GoD,i don't really know about what the report but i can say that doki doesn't deserve nothing.
Mettyu is another rager player.

Belettél oltva Tyutyugeci


  • Nolifer
  • 720 hu
  • Anyád
Re: Doktor úr
#6 2015-08-16 13:13:03
Jaja, jobb most god. Meg doki kezei alatt is jobb volt, mint velem valaha


  • Nolifer
  • 175 hu
  • GoD Rap Triology
Re: Doktor úr
#7 2015-08-16 13:15:23
Ne vedd a szívedre csak egy zsidó mondta


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