Topic: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire  (Read 13759 times)


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[GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
2015-08-10 21:01:20

User Nick: Vinspire 8========D
Player Nick: King Senior Member Buster

Reason: Me, Evoken and Ruby was chatting about something, and Buster started getting involved. I told him it was none of his business, and that he's talking with himself, and he got offended ( After he muted me, Evoken asked him to unmute me, but he didn't (it's not like I had any expectations, but ok). After he said muted me & said no, then he started being cocky for some reason ( Evoken asked him for a skype call to talk, and then this happend (he said something about insulting, which never actually happend), and then this (

It's weird how I got banned like 2 mins after he actually muted me, and I obviously couldn't speak after. So I wonder why we both got bans in the first place.

We obey the rules, and the admin is just a cocky admin tbh.

Last Edit: 2015-08-31 22:56:32 by Buster


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#1 2015-08-13 20:10:17
for 12 hours? you just wrote this for 12 hours ban?


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#2 2015-08-14 11:56:40
Nem az idő a lényeg brutyi, hanem h banolták a "semmiért". :-)


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#3 2015-08-15 21:13:35
what 12 hours ban, how would i know how long he banned me? he muted me for 6 days and banned me.


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#4 2015-08-16 12:42:06
fuckin polska buster kokot


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#5 2015-08-31 22:39:19
btw. about the "abusting" these two piece of a shits wanted to be tough in front of players and I got involved into discuussion to make these two useless shits quiet because nobody cared about the shits they said and they were talking about the same bullshit through 10 minutes without using /pm so everyone got tired of it so when I told them to be quiet one of this white boy told me that I'm talking to myself so I showed him I don't with mute for 6 days, then his friend wanted to be even more tough so I threw the trash where they belong

"Evoken asked him for a skype call to talk" ??? XDD I remember you fuckers told me "come we will insult you on skype" or something like that and I banned one of you with "K" reason

right here, so I wouldn't even ban these two faggots and would unmute after a few seconds as usually FUCKING LYING TWO CRYING PUSSIES

Last Edit: 2015-08-31 22:46:40 by Buster


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#6 2015-09-01 10:22:43
first of all improve your english , instead of playing mta go open english book and try to learn,
Vinspire didnt insult u there is no reason to ban him , and also i said it as a joke , and we didnt speak for 10 mins lol, we spoke for like 30 secs , few words. you could simply mute me , but after 3 mins of vinspire's mute , you banned him because u thought u would look like a man , but actually you're nothing more than an imbecile kid

""Evoken asked him for a skype call to talk" ??? XDD I remember you fuckers told me "come we will insult you on skype" or something like that and I banned one of you with "K" reason"

did you get scared or what? you seem like u got scared, it was a joke grow some balls my friend


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#7 2015-09-01 13:11:18
first of all improve your english , instead of playing mta go open english book and try to learn,
Don't insult someone for not speaking English well, if it's not his/her native language, especially if you are not that great in it either.


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#8 2015-09-01 13:43:03
and now he edited my report :D nice players GoD have, very mature ones.


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#9 2015-09-01 17:59:55
We all know them, and we all know the style they like to talk with others. They want to be trolls everytime, but they are acting like a 10-year-old little annoying shit. Next time Buster no mercy for them


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#10 2015-09-02 00:12:35
We all know them, and we all know the style they like to talk with others. They want to be trolls everytime, but they are acting like a 10-year-old little annoying shit. Next time Buster no mercy for them

Yes Sir, my pleasure. :D


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#11 2015-09-02 00:18:58
first of all improve your english , instead of playing mta go open english book and try to learn,
Vinspire didnt insult u there is no reason to ban him , and also i said it as a joke , and we didnt speak for 10 mins lol, we spoke for like 30 secs , few words. you could simply mute me , but after 3 mins of vinspire's mute , you banned him because u thought u would look like a man , but actually you're nothing more than an imbecile kid

""Evoken asked him for a skype call to talk" ??? XDD I remember you fuckers told me "come we will insult you on skype" or something like that and I banned one of you with "K" reason"

did you get scared or what? you seem like u got scared, it was a joke grow some balls my friend

hahah wtf dude, my English is very good so shut your dirty mouth if you have no other arguments, I don't expect much but to catch the irony from my picture you have to be at least as mid-wise as ant  8) about books you should read some books about punctuation because writing spaces before and after the comma looks so retarded and I have never met such a fucking retard writing like that or go back to primary school so they could teach you again how to write properly you fucking dumb shit

I don't give a single fuck about what you think but an imbeciles were your parents that they born such a freak

btw. if you are using DOTS the sentence begins with a capital letter fucking retarded moron
Last Edit: 2015-09-02 00:32:02 by Buster


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#12 2015-09-02 04:19:35
look at this arrogant polak fat kid" "," "you've gone so far god with your very perfect reputation

BTW. i can write it as i want , i dont give a fuck about poor people like you


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Re: [GoD]Buster - Abusing | Vinspire
#13 2015-09-02 18:24:49
BTW. i can write it as i want , i dont give a fuck about poor people like you
Then why the reports?


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