Topic: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken  (Read 15541 times)


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[GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
2015-08-10 21:04:20

User Nick: [NGB]Evoken
Player Nick: Mr. [GoD]Buster
hello , its the first time i post here , excuse me if it's the wrong section,
Buster's admin abuse brought me to this forum, i got banned for nothing , so that's what happened:
 i was speaking with [S8]Ruby[7] about his DDoS against NGB members , i told him that i will report him to mta, then Buster started arguing about the problem , my friend [NGB]Vinspire told him not to get involved in this , because it isnt his business,  then he gave him mute for 6 days , here are the logs:
[2015-08-10 21:36:45] [Output] : [S8]Ruby[7]: ok ty for made my laught ;d
[2015-08-10 21:36:48] [Output] : * [NGB]iZnoGouD has been muted by [GoD]Buster. (kk)(6 days)
[2015-08-10 21:36:49] [Output] : [U1tra]Lammer. placed a $4,000 bet on [U1tra]Lammer. (2.3x)
[2015-08-10 21:36:51] [Output] : [S8]Ruby[7]: i go cw ;dd
[2015-08-10 21:36:53] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: unmute pls
[2015-08-10 21:36:54] [Output] : [GoD]Buster: whos next
[2015-08-10 21:36:55] [Output] : [S8]Ruby[7]: police ;ddd
[2015-08-10 21:36:56] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: why u mute
[2015-08-10 21:36:58] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: fucking eat report?
[2015-08-10 21:36:59] [Output] : * [S8]Ruby[7] has left the game.
[2015-08-10 21:36:59] [Output] : [GoD]Buster: this bitchass guy
[2015-08-10 21:37:03] [Output] : * AVS|#FF0000ReD killed ~sH.##FFFFFFNoLimitation™. (Vehicle)
[2015-08-10 21:37:03] [Output] : * TPS#ff0000# killed [KZ]Helios. (Vehicle)
[2015-08-10 21:37:05] [Output] : * #FFFFFFi#20B2AARampage died.
[2015-08-10 21:37:06] [Output] : * [KZ]Theociymenus killed e4G#Snow. (Vehicle)
[2015-08-10 21:37:07] [Output] : [GoD]Buster: thinks he's a strongboy?:D
[2015-08-10 21:37:11] [Output] : * [KZ]Theociymenus killed #00aabbSheadary. (Vehicle)
[2015-08-10 21:37:12] [Output] : * AVS|#FF0000ReD killed #9400d3TeSco#f8f8ff+. (Vehicle)
[2015-08-10 21:37:12] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: ye
[2015-08-10 21:37:13] [Output] : * [NGB]iZnoGouD died.
[2015-08-10 21:37:14] [Output] : * Sheadary has left the game.
[2015-08-10 21:37:18] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: he is my friend
[2015-08-10 21:37:19] [Output] : [GoD]Buster: see ya in 6 days
[2015-08-10 21:37:26] [Output] : [GoD]Buster: nobody fucks with me dude
[2015-08-10 21:37:32] [Output] : * [U1tra]Lammer. killed #ffffffWorsed. (Vehicle)
[2015-08-10 21:37:37] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken:
[2015-08-10 21:37:37] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: ?
[2015-08-10 21:37:38] [Output] : [KVÍZ] (ZENE) "Mit csinálj" a sörrel a Fonográf együttes slágerének címe szerint?
[2015-08-10 21:37:38] [Output] : _ _ _ d  _ _ _ _  (9 characters)
[2015-08-10 21:37:38] [Output] : [KVÍZ] 15 másodpercetek van, hogy válaszoljatok.
[2015-08-10 21:37:39] [Output] : * pemot killed AVS|#865f77DrunK. (Vehicle)
[2015-08-10 21:37:41] [Output] : [GoD]Buster: what?
[2015-08-10 21:37:42] [Output] : [KZ]Theociymenus: lökd ide
[2015-08-10 21:37:42] [Output] : [QUIZ] [KZ]Theociymenus nyereménye $10,000. A helyes válasz Lökd ide! volt
[2015-08-10 21:37:42] [Output] : * [U1tra]Lammer. killed AVS|#FF0000ReD. (Vehicle)
[2015-08-10 21:37:46] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: ?
[2015-08-10 21:37:50] [Output] : * MaMi died.
[2015-08-10 21:37:52] [Output] : [GoD]Buster: what's the question?
[2015-08-10 21:38:00] [Output] : * =BoR=#fff000NikoPaPa killed [KZ]Theociymenus. (Vehicle)
[2015-08-10 21:38:02] [Output] : * TPS#ff0000# killed [N'C]G!l#ffffffGameS^. (Explosion)
[2015-08-10 21:38:05] [Output] : * [U1tra]Lammer. killed =BoR=#fff000NikoPaPa. (Vehicle)
[2015-08-10 21:38:07] [Output] : * pemot died.
[2015-08-10 21:38:07] [Output] : pemot: nie
[2015-08-10 21:38:09] [Output] : pemot: nice
[2015-08-10 21:38:12] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: is this the website?
[2015-08-10 21:38:12] [Output] : [N'C]G!lGameS^: sorry
[2015-08-10 21:38:15] [Output] : [GoD]Buster: yes
[2015-08-10 21:38:16] [Output] : Worsed: y
[2015-08-10 21:38:18] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: iznogoud asked me on mic
[2015-08-10 21:38:18] [Output] : * MaMi has left the game.
[2015-08-10 21:38:20] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: skype call
[2015-08-10 21:38:21] [Output] : * [KZ]Theociymenus has left the game.
[2015-08-10 21:38:22] [Output] : * [KZ]KrejzikCz has joined from Czech Republic.
[2015-08-10 21:38:25] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: come i add u?
[2015-08-10 21:38:25] [Output] : [GoD]Buster: report Buster
[2015-08-10 21:38:27] [Output] : [GoD]Buster: abuster!!!
[2015-08-10 21:38:28] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: for we insult u my friend?
[2015-08-10 21:38:35] [Output] : * TPS#ff0000# killed [GoD]Buster. (Vehicle)
[2015-08-10 21:38:38] [Output] : [GoD]Buster: me?
[2015-08-10 21:38:42] [Output] : iRampage rolled the dice and lost his bet, and it got spread between the online players.
[2015-08-10 21:38:43] [Output] : * AVS|ReD has left the game.
[2015-08-10 21:38:45] [Output] : * AVS|DrunK has left the game.
[2015-08-10 21:38:45] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: ye
[2015-08-10 21:38:46] [Output] : [GoD]Buster: u wanna insult me?
[2015-08-10 21:38:49] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: yes?
[2015-08-10 21:38:49] [Output] : * [KZ]Helios has left the game.
[2015-08-10 21:38:50] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: go speak on mic
[2015-08-10 21:38:51] [Output] : [NGB]Evoken: ?
[2015-08-10 21:38:54] [Output] : * [NGB]Evoken has been banned by [GoD]Buster. (kk)(12 hours)
[2015-08-10 21:38:54] [Output] : * [NGB]Evoken has left the game. [Banned]
[2015-08-10 21:52:12] [Input]  : screenshot
[2015-08-10 21:52:12] [Output] : Screenshot taken: 'C:\Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas\mta1.5\screenshots\mta-screen_2015-08-10_21-52-12.png'
his way of speaking was arrogant , after muting vinspire he said "Next?",
he clearly abused in these logs , he could simply mute me for telling him " i add u to skype call , so we insult u?" , but he banned me.
Last Edit: 2015-08-31 22:56:53 by Buster


  • Nolifer
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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#1 2015-08-11 17:36:38
his way of speaking was arrogant
He is polish,pretty usual
Last Edit: 2015-08-11 17:41:01 by UppeR


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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#2 2015-08-11 19:06:57
N1, this is how we do!!! Kocham cie busty :-)


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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#3 2015-08-11 19:20:24
his way of speaking was arrogant
He is polish,pretty usual

What make you think like that? Youre right if you think he may be a bit bad tempered, but never say it's nationality fault, it's all about the manners he acquired. Perhaps Hungarian players/admins are polite as fu..?? especially to me? Anyway i appreciate hun players behaving nice to everyone, even to russians.

He deserves 'litl punish imo, Nie bądź zły na mnie, trzymaj fason i koś szczeniaków :D


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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#4 2015-08-11 20:07:06
his way of speaking was arrogant
He is polish,pretty usual

What make you think like that? Youre right if you think he may be a bit bad tempered, but never say it's nationality fault, it's all about the manners he acquired. Perhaps Hungarian players/admins are polite as fu..?? especially to me? Anyway i appreciate hun players behaving nice to everyone, even to russians.

He deserves 'litl punish imo, Nie bądź zły na mnie, trzymaj fason i koś szczeniaków :D
Thousands of polish people made me think like that,and nobody was talking about hungarians :/ Most of them are belong to the same tho


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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#5 2015-08-11 20:07:26
he (buster420) taught me how to apologize in polish, so let me try to do so.
wypierdalaj spierdalaj co kurwa jebany matka ty cipo i ty matka tak tak kurwa.
daj mi ta sorry ty jebany skurwialy cwelu or napierdalaj russki and zapierdalaj to polakia :'(
Last Edit: 2015-08-11 20:09:15 by Gr0x


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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#6 2015-08-12 17:47:59
Grox . Linkeled nekem azt hogy : Matteusz takarodj nemetet tanulni ? Koszi. Legjobb helyre irtam


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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#7 2015-08-16 12:42:23
Kill buster fuckin polska kokot


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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#8 2015-08-31 22:33:46
#1 ja Ciebie tez kocham Doki <3

#2 hahah gr0xy well said bro, well said :D

#3 wiadomka @mati :D

#4 elbe wypierdalaj pedale

btw. about the "abusting" these two piece of a shits wanted to be tough in front of players and I got involved into discuussion to make these two useless shits quiet because nobody cared about the shits they said and they were talking about the same bullshit through 10 minutes without using /pm so everyone got tired of it so when I told them to be quiet one of this white boy told me that I'm talking to myself so I showed him I don't with mute for 6 days, then his friend wanted to be even more tough so I threw the trash where they belong

Last Edit: 2015-08-31 22:45:43 by Buster


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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#9 2015-09-01 10:14:48
and so what lol? you're the boss , no one can joke with u ,coudln't you simply mute me? and why u banned iZnoGoud lmao,he didnt even tell 1 word, you're totally wrong my friend  and what kind of admin would do this ,change topic "isuck dicks for free" , if u do suck dicks for free, not all people does, it's only u mate , if u want a big cock contact me
skype: mikaelkh98


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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#10 2015-09-01 14:09:20
wow, nice false statement buster, you're a typical shitkid from poland.

we spoke about something, why would we use pm for every single time we speak? people can't use the mainchat when this shitkid abuser buster is in the server or?


  • Nolifer
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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#11 2015-09-02 00:26:49
you are both retarded, just kills yourselves


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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#12 2015-09-02 18:25:27
BTW. i can write it as i want , i dont give a fuck about poor people like you


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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#13 2015-09-04 19:37:58
his way of speaking was arrogant
He is polish,pretty usual

What make you think like that? Youre right if you think he may be a bit bad tempered, but never say it's nationality fault, it's all about the manners he acquired. Perhaps Hungarian players/admins are polite as fu..?? especially to me? Anyway i appreciate hun players behaving nice to everyone, even to russians.

He deserves 'litl punish imo, Nie bądź zły na mnie, trzymaj fason i koś szczeniaków :D

Calm down, we like polaks.


  • Nolifer
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Re: [GoD]Buster - abusing | Evoken
#14 2015-09-13 23:07:23


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