Topic: A vs GoD  (Read 11000 times)


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A vs GoD
2018-06-11 20:31:04













Time: We will discuss

Server: Aimgods Clan War Server // Gladiators of Darkness Clan War Server



- The team which reaches ( and wins ) the hunter ( fight ), or gets further, wins the point.
- If everyone dies at the same spot, we redo the map.
- Camping is not allowed! If someone camps, he will get blown or kicked.
- ShortCuts are not allowed! If someone uses shortcuts on a map, he will get kicked, and a reserve player joins in.
- Backshooting is not allowed! If someone backshoots a player, the harmed team gets the point instantly. You must not shoot for ~5 second after getting the Hunter!
- The maps must be up-to-date, and you can only change your maps if each team agrees!
- If someone times out before the map starts, we restart the round.
- If someone times out while we are playing, we go on.
- If someone is lagging too much, reserve player joins in.
- If it's a draw, we play a random map.
- Crying, Blaming, Insulting, etc. is not allowed in chat. If someone cant keep that in mind, he will be kicked and a reserve player joins in.
- No one talks in the main chat, except the managers.
- We play every map twice.
- Maximum ping: 350
- Minimum FPS: 36
Last Edit: 2018-06-11 20:42:10 by Swindex


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