
Rank: 9th
Account: worsed
Team: None
Total: 3,832
1st: 1,021
2nd: 871
3rd: 429
Finishes: 2,834
Kills: 1

 MapTimeDate Top time
941.[RACE] Bay Area Circuit03:22:5582014-12-09 19:09:36
942.[RACE] Buggy01:04:6322014-12-06 19:27:22
943.[RACE] Changing pains 201:33:9762014-12-06 14:31:31
944.[RACE] MSD Venturas enduro05:49:9832014-12-06 08:09:45
945.[RACE] Rez02:32:1592014-12-05 18:55:44
946.[RACE] Adhesion01:49:3622014-11-23 19:40:34
947.[RACE] Feeling the Pressure02:03:1042014-11-23 18:33:38
948.[RACE] Country01:58:1852014-11-21 19:56:55
949.[RACE] Push02:24:9562014-11-21 18:36:25
950.[RACE] The source01:34:3792014-11-21 18:11:48
951.[RACE] Crash and Burn 301:56:8972014-11-20 17:36:53
952.[RACE] SF Fandango02:39:1992014-11-19 19:58:35
953.[RACE] Drift01:43:4882014-11-18 19:30:08

Database updated: Today at 11:07:14

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