
Rank: 257th
Account: Cred14
Team: None
Total: 12,479
1st: 38
2nd: 20
3rd: 13
Finishes: 103
Kills: 9

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[DM] ALV Vol.10 - In Crescendo03:14:4152014-12-12 17:13:44
2.[DM] ALV Vol.11 - Hit the floor03:01:2502014-08-06 16:45:40
3.[DM] AnTi-Z ft. DeRoX - Chain Hang Low02:59:8952014-08-27 00:43:28
4.[DM] CrystalCastles Vol.5 - Forbidden Planet03:37:9372015-08-31 12:49:58
5.[DM] D0GGy Vol.7 - D0GGy's Style02:52:2622015-05-17 23:19:25
6.[DM] Darmos Vol.2 - Back To History II02:53:1072014-12-25 17:43:06
7.[DM] norbi Vol.5 - Empathy03:13:0132014-04-21 00:20:10
8.[DM] Punishable ft. AndreaS ft. Dubst3p ft. Darmos - Inifinite02:41:5342015-08-22 16:42:51
9.[DM] Roy4L ft. norbi - Stability II02:45:0352014-07-29 22:20:14
10.[DM] Spectrum Vol.6 - Distortion Of Perception03:39:7682016-12-07 19:25:40
11.[DM] Stolen ft. ReazZon - Integrity02:58:3382015-08-04 23:46:43

Database updated: Today at 09:36:47

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