I will follow you

Rank: 24th
Account: bpatika
Team: I do it all for love
Total: 48,139
1st: 784
2nd: 162
3rd: 44
Finishes: 1,024
Kills: 13

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[DM] ZinTro Vol.2 - The Dreamland02:58:9552016-12-29 22:23:39
2.[DM] ZinTro ft. DLF ft. FataL ft. JuserO - Natural City II03:37:1802016-10-21 21:04:58
3.[DM] ZenoS ft. AS ft. CresheZ - Boundless Styles02:50:0192017-05-07 12:06:10
4.[DM] ZeeT Vol.3 - Fearless Flake II02:57:2582016-12-07 18:33:41
5.[DM] ZeeT ft. Chipy ft. sYKu - Till Sunrise03:33:0072017-04-27 07:37:54
6.[DM] Zebra Vol.1 - Unseen Nature03:30:5802018-04-02 10:44:57
7.[DM] XzT ft. Chipy ft. GameX - Opportunity03:06:5182016-12-28 09:40:20
8.[DM] xTube Vol.2 - Lords Of Fallen02:32:3032016-12-22 08:34:45
9.[DM] xReMiiX Vol.4 - Repetition03:06:0872017-06-14 22:38:10
10.[DM] Xoder Vol.1 - Taking Over03:52:1642016-07-09 09:52:47
11.[DM] xLui5 ft. BenT ft. #RS ft. ShuX - Universal Attack III03:29:0572018-05-02 23:30:03
12.[DM] Xir0Z Vol.4 - The Odyssey02:53:7912017-05-20 22:00:21
13.[DM] XeaT Vol.14 - Doctor Who02:45:2352017-10-22 21:35:25
14.[DM] XeaT Vol.13 - From Heaven to Hell02:38:5002015-06-14 09:27:01
15.[DM] xDequz! ft. LookaT ft. CleaR ft. MePraH! - Farewell02:56:5102018-03-24 20:17:57
16.[DM] xCro Vol.4 - Raindrops-III02:25:6332018-04-04 16:07:17
17.[DM] WaRRiO Vol.3 - Sunnyland03:26:4802016-11-05 09:52:27
18.[DM] Vortex Vol.12 - The Last Stand03:01:9872016-03-02 21:06:50
19.[DM] Voltime - For The Love Of Shrekt02:14:0612017-01-01 23:11:03
20.[DM] VantaGe ft. Deadline ft. Royce - Dreary Mountains02:57:8712018-04-10 11:02:25

Database updated: Today at 02:57:35

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