
Rank: 110th
Account: KLS
Team: Egzotikucskókucstekerc
Total: 16,313
1st: 557
2nd: 134
3rd: 39
Finishes: 754
Kills: 22

 MapTimeDate Top time
1.[DM] ARmada ft. LabiVila - SpecializationS02:40:4262014-04-17 12:03:21
2.[DM] Rafinha ft. Lemon ft. Naval - We Just Wanna Run03:14:2342014-04-23 17:16:54
3.[DM] SpektreM Vol.2 - Where Heroes Fell02:30:1422014-04-29 18:31:10
4.[DM] Boost ft. VantaGe - Forest Situation II02:56:0502014-05-05 09:29:42
5.[DM] AmiabLe Vol.8 - Levitate02:28:2952014-05-10 14:05:53
6.[DM] norbi Vol.4 - Untried II02:56:2582014-06-04 22:28:45
7.[DM] Roy4L Vol.3 - Whiteland Of Happiness03:20:9562014-06-08 21:37:19
8.[DM] ARmada Vol.8 - massacRe03:03:0902014-06-13 17:37:54
9.[DM] Micra Vol.18 - Flawless02:56:0682014-07-03 17:09:31
10.[DM] SnakeJack Vol.1 - Sensations03:27:1842014-07-08 14:07:53
11.[DM] Ron1 Vol.3 - Crush04:07:8672014-07-20 18:17:36
12.[DM] Moonlight ft. Quantum - Boxville Trip01:47:0752014-07-21 14:45:20
13.[DM] Deadline ft. Boost ft. Sapphire ft. Cosa_Nostra - Unity II03:31:6772014-07-25 15:03:16
14.[DM] SaPpHirE ft. PeiN - UPROAR03:24:3922014-07-28 20:25:11
15.[DM] RydeR ft. Mirage ft. Sunbathe ft. AnUs - Touch II03:10:7912014-08-03 19:19:46
16.[DM] Roy4L ft. norbi - Stability II02:44:6452014-08-03 20:46:40
17.[DM] CooN ft. XeaT ft. DioGo - The Walking Dead02:54:6392014-08-09 13:40:18
18.[DM] GravitY Vol.2 - Evanescence02:45:6882014-08-10 18:42:03
19.[DM] Ravolt Vol.14 - Ravoltage03:49:6032014-08-15 23:49:32
20.[DM] Sunbathe ft. iKucky ft. KnOwN - Interminable II03:23:6332014-08-16 12:42:15

Database updated: Today at 05:14:19

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