
Rank: 142nd
Account: AixaNRuleZ
Team: Proszit Piano Bár
Total: 6,699
1st: 231
2nd: 42
3rd: 10
Finishes: 284
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
101.[DM] staNhide Vol.8 - Symphony03:14:1692016-02-01 16:09:18
102.[DM] Stolen ft. ReazZon - Integrity02:58:2082015-09-25 17:23:58
103.[DM] Supreme Vol.2 - Shine Of Night03:04:3032016-04-03 11:22:05
104.[DM] sYKu ft. Flash ft. AquiL - Beyond The Boundaries02:47:8662016-04-01 13:52:13
105.[DM] Tom[My] ft. AsTo[N] ft. Esp4wN ft. ~ProtoN! - Tropical Paradise II03:45:7892020-05-15 15:27:14
106.[DM] Tony ft. Rause - Red Stellar03:19:7802016-03-12 20:23:32
107.[DM] Tube Vol.3 - Naturals Talent03:00:5782015-10-17 16:50:40
108.[DM] VaLeRoO Vol.6 - Healing II02:49:5002016-12-28 14:05:41
109.[DM] VantaGe ft. Deadline ft. Royce - Dreary Mountains03:05:6122016-08-15 12:51:13
110.[DM] Voltime - For The Love Of Shrekt03:05:2262016-03-15 14:44:00
111.[DM] XeaT Vol.14 - Doctor Who02:45:2892016-02-29 19:19:59
112.[DM] Xoder Vol.1 - Taking Over03:59:7382015-08-24 20:31:35
113.[DM] xReMiiX Vol.4 - Repetition03:08:3182016-02-04 17:27:12
114.[DM] ZeeT ft. Chipy ft. sYKu - Till Sunrise03:10:3982016-02-20 13:49:48
115.[DM] ZenoS ft. AS ft. CresheZ - Boundless Styles02:51:3152015-08-27 08:35:45
116.[DM] ZinTro ft. DLF ft. FataL ft. JuserO - Natural City II03:01:8572015-08-16 11:44:15
117.[DM] ZinTro Vol.2 - The Dreamland02:58:7602017-07-02 07:22:48

Database updated: Today at 20:37:12

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