
Rank: 20th
Account: Jakie77
Team: :c
Total: 3,422
1st: 256
2nd: 369
3rd: 304
Finishes: 1,595
Kills: 4

 Map TimeDateTop time
41.[RACE] Avacado raceway02:09:4752015-10-02 23:27:35
42.[RACE] back around the block02:05:0982015-10-27 06:57:29
43.[RACE] BADlands BLASTAround02:13:9932015-08-04 13:30:56
44.[RACE] Baltika02:52:8702015-07-19 22:46:11
45.[RACE] Banana Fishbone V202:52:8942015-09-06 11:48:37
46.[RACE] Banana Fishbone V303:35:7692018-04-01 23:01:11
47.[RACE] Bandit fudge03:02:0542015-07-26 18:31:14
48.[RACE] Bandito01:10:6812015-08-20 08:22:14
49.[RACE] BankerV202:22:7212015-10-10 22:58:35
50.[RACE] Bansai03:27:5262015-11-14 17:27:10
51.[RACE] Banshee memorial01:52:9482015-10-02 20:40:19
52.[RACE] Banshee memorial 202:17:1662015-07-05 19:51:57
53.[RACE] Banshee Run02:39:8032015-07-19 16:32:46
54.[RACE] Banshee sprint 01:20:2182015-12-02 16:43:32
55.[RACE] Bay Area Circuit04:01:3302015-07-07 08:42:39
56.[RACE] Bayside drag01:13:0042015-11-14 21:55:09
57.[RACE] Be Careful05:18:2532015-10-10 20:22:26
58.[RACE] beachboys01:44:8352015-09-19 18:16:22
59.[RACE] Beautiful somewhere01:53:7052015-12-05 18:31:44
60.[RACE] Been there done that02:38:7692018-04-01 14:36:05

Database updated: Today at 03:30:41

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