
Rank: 137th
Account: Woods
Team: Co ShigetoKurwa
Total: 13,815
1st: 531
2nd: 106
3rd: 27
Finishes: 681
Kills: 7

 MapTimeDateTop time
1.[DM] TriX ft. ZeX - The Forest Of Dreams02:59:6772016-07-23 22:09:45
2.[DM] Rage - Just Got Shrekt03:12:6482017-01-31 14:30:43
3.[DM] eXcY Vol.3 - The Magic Of Nature02:57:4492016-08-28 16:49:18
4.[DM] Qwince Vol.1 - Precious 03:00:7242016-08-11 14:11:27
5.[DM] Naval Vol.9 - Naval's EvoLvinG03:17:2132016-11-03 19:15:56
6.[DM] Straim Vol.1 - Freedom 03:05:3632016-02-19 16:25:26
7.[DM] Tom[My] Vol.4 - Tropical Paradise02:49:0682016-08-17 17:45:18
8.[DM] Rafinha ft. SebaS - Merry Christmas03:25:1922018-12-26 14:29:37
9.[DM] Ron1 Vol.3 - Crush04:05:0972016-02-28 13:27:17
10.[DM] Excy ft. DLF ft. Tor3To - Forgotten Lands II02:56:4372016-08-11 14:29:40
11.[DM] Quantum ft. FakeDeath ft. Micra ft. ZenoS - Sheer Cold03:12:9392014-01-03 19:36:58
12.[DM] RydeR ft. Thyke ft. BrighT - Outside II02:59:7832016-10-11 19:40:07
13.[DM] LaZZ ft. Jil - Zou03:15:1942017-01-13 20:39:58
14.[DM] RonnYBRA Vol.5 - Thanks For All II02:50:1752015-12-13 12:34:12
15.[DM] SlowSheep Vol.4 - Rush Hour03:30:6862013-12-30 17:44:08
16.[DM] ExoriA Vol.2 - Unconscious03:09:9692017-01-20 17:39:19
17.[DM] Derek Vol.4 - Strange Nature03:38:7242015-08-14 16:29:35
18.[DM] Spectrum Vol.2 - Desert Storm03:29:7472014-07-27 13:38:54
19.[DM] NobeuS ft. CresPro ft. Dubst3p ft. Rizom - Death Valley02:55:1022016-10-06 19:16:38
20.[DM] Felina ft. Cryptex ft. Stylex ft. iRenox - A Place of Beauty II02:57:0672014-05-15 14:16:49

Database updated: Today at 15:46:24

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