
Rank: 322nd
Account: romke8
Team: None
Total: 44
1st: 2
2nd: 16
3rd: 10
Finishes: 33
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
61.[RACE] Rez level 403:16:2002015-01-13 20:08:55
62.[RACE] SF Heat01:33:2682014-12-23 17:31:01
63.[RACE] Short Drag00:09:5162015-01-31 20:16:19
64.[RACE] Spacetube Sandking02:01:5822014-12-23 17:45:23
65.[RACE] stratums turn03:21:3602015-01-13 21:20:49
66.[RACE] Sugardrill02:14:9652015-01-13 19:25:37
67.[RACE] Super sprint01:14:2272015-01-13 19:38:39
68.[RACE] The Arizona Strip02:23:1592015-01-12 22:28:15
69.[RACE] The grid 203:01:8052015-01-12 22:20:15
70.[RACE] the knockout00:59:0272015-01-12 22:14:23
71.[RACE] The long tour of sa14:40:6832015-01-12 22:07:04
72.[RACE] The Panopticon - Season 4 version02:01:3862014-12-23 17:08:17
73.[RACE] Thunder Valley02:13:9462015-01-13 15:49:16
74.[RACE] Thunder Valley 4 3Lap03:03:5472015-04-26 22:26:49
75.[RACE] Tma-Sa-302:45:7392015-04-26 22:36:56
76.[RACE] turningtricks02:15:3222015-04-26 22:33:54
77.[RACE] Unexpected02:08:9142015-01-31 20:05:23
78.[RACE] Wings 303:00:5362015-04-26 22:40:13
79.[RACE] Wraith02:31:6962014-12-23 17:26:37
80.[RACE] Zedrim02:33:4622014-12-23 17:36:27

Database updated: Today at 18:09:58

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