Rank: 30th
Members: 2
Total: 649
1st: 55
2nd: 98
3rd: 68
Finishes: 319
Kills: 0

 MapTotal1st2nd3rdFinishes Kills
1.[RACE] HW5913180
2.[RACE] Hillside Drift - Sultan403040
3.[RACE] Short Drag402040
4.[RACE] MSDrag502040
5.[RACE] MsC Race 2008321030
6.[RACE] Drift303030
7.[RACE] The Nevada Strip400030
8.[RACE] Wraith321030
9.[RACE] Cheater beater 3301130
10.[RACE] closeracing2311030
11.[RACE] LV Sprint410230
12.[RACE] Hot Wheels 2310130
13.[RACE] Granturismo410030
14.[RACE] Dry Wanki Race601130
15.[RACE] Bike blaze 4211020
16.[RACE] Monzaesque210020
17.[RACE] LS Trenches210120
18.[RACE] The specialist 2014210120
19.[RACE] The Arizona Strip200020
20.[RACE] GoD - Race201020

Database updated: Today at 05:12:08

Designed by Surge