
Rank: 52nd
Members: 2
Total: 68
1st: 16
2nd: 4
3rd: 7
Finishes: 37
Kills: 9

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
41.[RACE] MSDrag110010
42.[RACE] Nightshock 2100010
43.[RACE] NRG-500 LS Sprint100010
44.[RACE] Off the curb110010
45.[RACE] Sandking Sprint101010
46.[RACE] SFE100000
47.[RACE] Snipers Stunt Race200000
48.[RACE] Streetwars SF100010
49.[RACE] Super sprint200000
50.[RACE] Tanya Circuit200000
51.[RACE] The Arizona Strip100000
52.[RACE] The Specialist 4100000
53.[RACE] treadstone100000
54.[RACE] tunnel truble100000
55.[RACE] world hold on110010

Database updated: Today at 09:39:39

Designed by Surge