
Rank: 4th
Account: HUNS|LeGeNd
Team: [Rly] Clan 2012
Total: 4,831
1st: 1,202
2nd: 819
3rd: 449
Finishes: 3,039
Kills: 8

 Map TimeDateTop time
21.[RACE] Adverse02:32:8282015-07-29 16:08:40
22.[RACE] Aeroport01:52:4482015-11-27 18:06:42
23.[RACE] AirFlip(1)01:37:0292015-11-01 19:30:48
24.[RACE] Airport Prix01:48:8872015-07-11 18:30:23
25.[RACE] Airport Speedway - Season 4 version01:48:7722016-05-12 18:36:36
26.[RACE] Alcolyte speedway01:46:1192015-11-08 18:06:33
27.[RACE] Alpha Attack LS01:44:2642015-10-17 17:52:16
28.[RACE] Alpha Attack LV01:18:3242015-12-13 14:00:32
29.[RACE] Alpha Attack SF01:52:4392015-07-31 14:24:48
30.[RACE] Alpha beta01:23:7952016-02-22 21:25:19
31.[RACE] Alphabite01:45:4352016-05-16 11:27:29
32.[RACE] Another airport racetrack02:19:2332015-11-27 18:29:39
33.[RACE] Another day at the quarry02:08:9902015-12-04 16:26:55
34.[RACE] Another day at the Quarry 202:03:3062015-12-11 21:36:16
35.[RACE] Apollo02:01:2662015-12-12 22:01:28
36.[RACE] Arkstadt01:57:9242016-05-25 12:31:21
37.[RACE] Around 2wice more02:05:3362015-07-05 19:57:21
38.[RACE] Arrapella01:38:7962015-07-24 17:32:00
39.[RACE] Assoval01:47:1132015-08-29 18:14:54
40.[RACE] Autodromo02:15:2782015-12-16 18:47:20

Database updated: Today at 11:53:53

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