
Rank: 8th
Account: Nexon
Team: ~> Chat | TW | Fun <~
Total: 2,393
1st: 217
2nd: 173
3rd: 80
Finishes: 522
Kills: 0

 MapTimeDateTop time
41.[RACE] sultan802:25:1442016-02-07 14:43:16
42.[RACE] easy rider00:55:5522015-02-23 19:58:53
43.[RACE] Crash and Burn 302:00:7232015-02-25 20:37:52
44.[RACE] Flashbang 201:08:2122015-02-25 22:36:07
45.[RACE] Window shopper01:49:9972015-02-24 21:47:48
46.[RACE] Porsche cup 201302:31:4962015-02-16 19:29:16
47.[RACE] The Panopticon - Season 4 version01:54:6012015-03-09 14:54:58
48.[RACE] Farewell My Love02:25:4342015-01-30 21:03:56
49.[RACE] DockiParabolics - Reversed Circuit01:33:1382015-02-14 21:31:41
50.[RACE] the island02:54:6922015-02-24 02:06:11
51.[RACE] Technical Itch02:59:6232016-01-17 18:43:40
52.[RACE] Firetruck wipeout01:34:0232015-01-23 15:09:24
53.[RACE] Bobcat BLASTAround02:12:3262015-07-13 20:02:07
54.[RACE] Big ears01:40:0192015-04-20 08:31:06
55.[RACE] Juice02:59:5012015-01-23 11:57:21
56.[RACE] ProRide LV Sprint01:14:7982015-10-24 17:23:15
57.[RACE] Rise of the buffalo01:54:1272015-01-31 11:03:26
58.[RACE] Porchecup 201101:57:8932015-02-25 15:38:14
59.[RACE] Chicane 202:51:0852015-02-23 17:41:08
60.[RACE] Dirty oval01:53:1382015-02-09 08:15:11

Database updated: Today at 05:34:34

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