
Rank: 91st
Account: KenyBlockK!
Team: Gladiators of Darkness
Total: 3,193
1st: 30
2nd: 17
3rd: 8
Finishes: 63
Kills: 6

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[DM] PuNk ft. DLF ft. Chipy - Opportunities03:00:2322015-01-20 09:20:14
2.[DM] Kiwi Vol.8 - Digital Universe II03:17:1072015-04-25 15:42:35
3.[DM] Greck ft. XzT ft. BRA - Fellow Team III03:28:9742015-08-29 14:00:51
4.[DM] Darius Vol.2 - SimpliCity02:55:7002015-04-06 00:23:36
5.[DM] ClaudiO Vol.2 - Alien Experience02:42:1842014-08-04 15:11:52
6.[DM] ALV Vol.11 - Hit the floor02:59:6672015-09-08 23:49:03
7.[DM] ALV Vol.10 - In Crescendo02:45:7622014-12-26 06:28:30

Database updated: Today at 18:54:37

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