Brothers of Race

Rank: 7th
Members: 9
Total: 4,958
1st: 1,112
2nd: 984
3rd: 560
Finishes: 2,732
Kills: 11

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
21.[RACE] Wings 2210010
22.[RACE] Winfield500220
23.[RACE] Window shopper 3301020
24.[RACE] Window shopper 2014703060
25.[RACE] Window shopper733250
26.[RACE] Wild Cheetahs300000
27.[RACE] Wide open space520030
28.[RACE] Whetstone switchback933470
29.[RACE] Whetstone roundhouse302020
30.[RACE] Water300010
31.[RACE] Voltario401040
32.[RACE] Vipercup2014411120
33.[RACE] Vipercup 2011420040
34.[RACE] Viper cup 2013422040
35.[RACE] Viper cup 2010502130
36.[RACE] VIP On The Sky520020
37.[RACE] Vinewood forever200220
38.[RACE] Vinewood BLASTAround921040
39.[RACE] Vertix400110
40.[RACE] Venturian311130

Database updated: Today at 14:02:40

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