
Rank: 35th
Members: 2
Total: 3,455
1st: 31
2nd: 5
3rd: 2
Finishes: 36
Kills: 0

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
41.[DM] ARmada Vol.9 - Tropex200000
42.[DM] ArMexy - Magical Complacency200000
43.[DM] Arrow - GNARLY BASTARD100000
44.[DM] Astat! ft. VentO - Summer Paradise100000
45.[DM] Audi - After The Deep Power Paradise100000
46.[DM] Ave ft. FataL ft. Skaarj - Elevation II200000
47.[DM] AweSomee ft. deathcube - Paranormal Trip1200000
48.[DM] AweSomee Vol.1 - Eleventh Hour200000
49.[DM] Azooz ft. L!nK ft. CriMenTvz - Stigma200000
50.[DM] Banshee ft. NoS ft. Felina ft. giampa - Strange Valley1051260
51.[DM] Bc ft. Dean ft. TheNicO ft. Yukihira - Rapid Sensations100000
52.[DM] BenjaZ ft. LinK - Initium200000
53.[DM] BenT ft. SikariO - Sun of the Light II100000
54.[DM] BliZarD Vol.2 - Tropical Resolution500000
55.[DM] BliZarD Vol.3 - The Temple of Mirage1000000
56.[DM] Blue ft. Fire - Tropical Mountain III200000
57.[DM] Blue ft. Flame ft. Fire - Innocent Discretion100000
58.[DM] Boost ft. FiNN - War Devastated World100000
59.[DM] Boost ft. JohnY - Forest Situation III100000
60.[DM] Boost ft. P4w3L ft. AbodyRulez - Reflection Of Perfection200000

Database updated: Today at 18:52:48

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