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Rank: 2nd
Members: 23
Total: 5,036
1st: 785
2nd: 695
3rd: 362
Finishes: 1,890
Kills: 4

 MapTotal1st2nd3rd FinishesKills
961.[RACE] October forest300000
962.[RACE] Midcounty Loop101010
963.[RACE] Firestorm200000
964.[RACE] Dock Bikes400000
965.[RACE] Around Around300000
966.[RACE] cnb country edition822040
967.[RACE] Winfield400000
968.[RACE] The specialist 9511020
969.[RACE] Borderfront200010
970.[RACE] Lack of grip211010
971.[RACE] LS Trenches720020
972.[RACE] world hold on100000
973.[RACE] Canada breeze401010
974.[RACE] Long shot201020
975.[RACE] ProRide Drag802030

Database updated: Today at 18:05:33

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