
Rank: 42nd
Account: Hardy
Team: Sorsod Borsod!
Total: 23,564
1st: 521
2nd: 146
3rd: 43
Finishes: 737
Kills: 10

 MapTimeDateTop time
121.[DM] ARmada Vol.8 - massacRe03:05:5602015-09-12 20:08:45
122.[DM] Micra ft. TNT ft. SebaS ft. CooL - Sea Style III03:48:0262015-09-20 15:14:41
123.[DM] ClaudiO Vol.1 - Answer To Life02:40:1092015-09-24 15:56:46
124.[DM] DeepImpact ft. BriaN - Beast02:57:3412016-07-05 00:11:08
125.[DM] Frankz ft. Matt - Before the Dawn03:05:3602018-03-04 21:27:57
126.[DM] Skaarj ft. Zebra - Sinagogue Souls03:24:2892018-05-11 17:42:29
127.[DM] OxY Vol.3 - The Reality Of Nature02:37:0642018-03-11 14:10:15
128.[DM] xReMiiX Vol.4 - Repetition03:06:4002016-04-25 16:00:54
129.[DM] ArMexy - Magical Complacency02:39:6132016-06-05 21:08:50
130.[DM] Ravolt Vol.19 - Ravoltage II02:49:5822014-08-28 09:49:34
131.[DM] LabiVila Vol.3 - Almost Invaded03:22:4452015-01-14 19:06:26
132.[DM] Darius Vol.2 - SimpliCity02:51:2452015-01-11 15:48:28
133.[DM] Kacsa Vol.3 - Battle Scar03:04:2312016-01-16 21:14:16
134.[DM] DioGo ft. AnUs ft. ReazZon - Million Miles02:56:2482016-08-02 10:15:58
135.[DM] Exodo ft. Kuki - New Generation II02:30:4532015-10-20 17:48:26
136.[DM] Corrupt Vol.3 - Cocolani Island02:38:8582016-03-06 21:19:06
137.[DM] Royce Vol.3 - Everest Grasp02:50:0122014-10-24 19:04:23
138.[DM] Jackob Vol.4 - Halo02:52:5772015-11-14 18:04:02
139.[DM] DeLeTe Vol.12 - Restoration03:36:3102018-04-06 14:56:29
140.[DM] KaM! Vol.3 - Dinosaurs03:37:1822016-04-06 16:48:30

Database updated: Today at 13:59:00

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