Training and Drive

Rank: 16th
Members: 3
Total: 798
1st: 190
2nd: 153
3rd: 53
Finishes: 412
Kills: 0

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
41.[RACE] Bike Fun100000
42.[RACE] bizarr3 lov3 triangl3201010
43.[RACE] Blistaring201010
44.[RACE] Blow The Dam110010
45.[RACE] Blowout220020
46.[RACE] Blue water100000
47.[RACE] Bobcat BLASTAround100000
48.[RACE] Boiling point200000
49.[RACE] Boomaring100000
50.[RACE] Borderfront202020
51.[RACE] Borky park210020
52.[RACE] Bowling100110
53.[RACE] Brabham reverse110010
54.[RACE] Breakfast club420130
55.[RACE] Bridge drag100000
56.[RACE] Bridge magnet110010
57.[RACE] Bring it back in one piece110010
58.[RACE] buffalo stance210010
59.[RACE] Bullet100000
60.[RACE] Bullet in the head110010

Database updated: Today at 14:02:36

Designed by Surge