|Genetic Paradoxon|

Rank: 5th
Members: 18
Total: 1,230
1st: 90
2nd: 64
3rd: 41
Finishes: 173
Kills: 0

 MapTotal1st2nd 3rdFinishesKills
41.[RACE] Boiling point211010
42.[RACE] Old familiar101010
43.[RACE] Closeracing 2010101010
44.[RACE] Nothing ventured2101110
45.[RACE] Hot Wheels 2101010
46.[RACE] Poutain forest211010
47.[RACE] The specialist 5301010
48.[RACE] Fatal drag221020
49.[RACE] The specialist 2013301020
50.[RACE] Pocket stunner101010
51.[RACE] Be Careful111010
52.[RACE] Race to Jays501010
53.[RACE] Mountain drag421140
54.[RACE] Going-Down2511120
55.[RACE] Alpha Attack SF301110
56.[RACE] closeracing 10201120
57.[RACE] themammoth100000
58.[RACE] Hawkmow600000
59.[RACE] Enterprise park400000
60.[RACE] MSDedit210010

Database updated: Today at 21:28:01

Designed by Surge