
Rank: 65th
Account: ElciX
Team: Proszit Piano Bár
Total: 52
1st: 3
2nd: 9
3rd: 4
Finishes: 25
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
21.[RACE] Sawtooth01:31:3732014-11-20 17:59:46
22.[RACE] Sewers - Season 4 version02:20:2172016-03-09 18:39:26
23.[RACE] Stuntcity06:01:3182016-06-23 15:43:31
24.[RACE] Sultan LeMans04:16:1412014-11-20 17:55:07
25.[RACE] Tag02:05:2032014-11-20 18:02:29
26.[RACE] The grid 203:05:8562016-03-09 18:34:26
27.[RACE] The specialist 201309:14:0782016-03-13 14:22:43
28.[RACE] Tma-Sa-402:09:5042016-03-09 18:36:51
29.[RACE] Tug Drag by Aaron00:37:0322016-03-13 14:34:49
30.[RACE] Wide open space01:51:8742016-06-23 18:05:58

Database updated: Today at 15:49:53

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