
Rank: 311st
Account: illuminati
Team: Russian Mafia
Total: 7,927
1st: 156
2nd: 30
3rd: 11
Finishes: 205
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[DM] ALV Vol.10 - In Crescendo02:39:9322014-12-21 00:53:00
2.[DM] ALV Vol.11 - Hit the floor02:58:5152015-01-10 07:31:51
3.[DM] AnTi-Z ft. DeRoX - Chain Hang Low02:58:8052016-05-29 16:23:28
4.[DM] AquiL Vol.3 - Natura02:40:0382016-04-06 17:17:27
5.[DM] ARmada ft. LabiVila - SpecializationS02:51:7012015-10-25 15:35:11
6.[DM] ARmada Vol.10 - The Dark Massacre02:50:6692015-11-02 01:56:29
7.[DM] BriaN Vol.17 - An Alone Soul II03:07:9572015-10-22 21:17:45
8.[DM] BullishDe Vol.4 - Still Nothing02:54:4252016-11-25 21:31:47
9.[DM] CheQuito - Trackquity02:42:7602016-03-03 23:08:51
10.[DM] ClaudiO Vol.2 - Alien Experience02:40:7912014-12-20 21:24:07
11.[DM] ConTroL ft. FataL ft. Flame - Phosphor03:23:8722016-03-04 13:09:37
12.[DM] ConTroL Vol.1 - Disintegration02:41:9572016-05-16 14:51:07
13.[DM] Cookie Vol.10 - Canyons Of Glory04:00:2822016-11-27 13:11:43
14.[DM] CooL ft. ReazZon ft. CooN ft. Rizom - Reload02:47:9282016-05-15 22:56:32
15.[DM] CooN ft. XeaT ft. DioGo - The Walking Dead02:49:8592015-12-29 00:51:07
16.[DM] CooN Vol.5 - Waterfront02:42:0782016-03-14 13:07:32
17.[DM] Corrupt Vol.3 - Cocolani Island02:37:9362016-04-08 17:10:43
18.[DM] CresheZ ft. Winside ft. Mighty - Bring The Madness 05:09:2982016-03-23 12:39:47
19.[DM] CresPro ft. Darmos ft. Cheslav ft. Spotlight - Sands of the Desert II03:38:6382016-05-27 15:12:07
20.[DM] CsaWee Vol.4 - Escape00:39:0952018-12-26 16:07:34

Database updated: Today at 22:48:19

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