
Rank: 12th
Account: transformers772
Team: ~> Chat | TW | Fun <~
Total: 4,206
1st: 445
2nd: 431
3rd: 309
Finishes: 1,955
Kills: 21

 MapTimeDate Top time
41.[RACE] maroon speedway02:16:4462015-07-03 19:24:55
42.[RACE] Mendes reverse02:14:2762015-07-03 23:59:44
43.[RACE] Simpletown03:54:7662015-07-04 11:38:03
44.[RACE] infernus drift league204:43:7062015-07-04 12:10:07
45.[RACE] Redline01:44:5232015-07-04 12:12:11
46.[RACE] Gorecki park reverse01:40:3002015-07-04 12:57:59
47.[RACE] Drift01:50:3062015-07-04 18:40:36
48.[RACE] Four by four04:00:5832015-07-05 09:15:49
49.[RACE] Chican302:22:3552015-07-11 17:59:32
50.[RACE] Vipercup 201101:50:4402015-07-11 18:12:10
51.[RACE] slidey shit03:36:1522015-07-11 18:24:54
52.[RACE] Night of the tourismo02:20:4432015-07-12 11:09:40
53.[RACE] Emergency Alert02:11:9172015-07-12 18:46:02
54.[RACE] Fast track01:34:5262015-07-14 17:39:05
55.[RACE] the specialist 201:51:8052015-07-14 17:41:38
56.[RACE] Old familiar02:16:1962015-07-14 17:44:38
57.[RACE] SF burnthru 602:22:7212015-07-14 18:03:42
58.[RACE] Close Racing 200901:41:3142015-07-14 18:32:15
59.[RACE] desertraceway02:33:2812015-07-15 18:18:39
60.[RACE] Alphabite02:02:7542015-07-15 18:40:42

Database updated: Today at 00:32:13

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