| The Avengers | AVS |

Rank: 28th
Members: 2
Total: 903
1st: 401
2nd: 197
3rd: 64
Finishes: 562
Kills: 1

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
461.[RACE] the x 100000
462.[RACE] themammoth1731040
463.[RACE] thunder110010
464.[RACE] Thunder Valley111010
465.[RACE] Thunder Valley 2100000
466.[RACE] Thunder Valley 3110010
467.[RACE] Thunder Valley 3 Reverse510010
468.[RACE] thunderdome100000
469.[RACE] TitaniumR101010
470.[RACE] Tma-Sa-1210120
471.[RACE] Tma-Sa-2100000
472.[RACE] Tma-Sa-3330030
473.[RACE] Tma-Sa-4100000
474.[RACE] Tma-Sa-5101010
475.[RACE] Tma-Sa-7-Short111010
476.[RACE] Tour of Fury110010
477.[RACE] tourismo talent101010
478.[RACE] Tourismo Talent 3100000
479.[RACE] Tourismo talent 4210010
480.[RACE] Training day111010

Database updated: Today at 12:33:34

Designed by Surge