
Rank: 266th
Account: Audi87
Team: Cool Warriors
Total: 8,535
1st: 158
2nd: 45
3rd: 12
Finishes: 228
Kills: 17

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[DM] Action Vol.7 - Cold Skills03:22:4632015-03-29 20:53:37
2.[DM] AnTi-Z ft. DeRoX - Chain Hang Low02:55:5392014-06-23 20:46:39
3.[DM] ARmada Vol.8 - massacRe03:03:0722014-03-26 13:46:36
4.[DM] ClaudiO Vol.1 - Answer To Life02:40:0652015-03-16 16:36:11
5.[DM] Cookie Vol.10 - Canyons Of Glory02:52:2722018-06-18 22:22:33
6.[DM] CooN ft. XeaT ft. DioGo - The Walking Dead03:18:3352014-08-11 23:34:27
7.[DM] CooN Vol.3 - Swan Song02:36:7952014-03-24 15:32:21
8.[DM] D0GGy Vol.6 - Crystal Castles02:39:9932015-02-19 15:51:52
9.[DM] Darius Vol.2 - SimpliCity02:50:9182014-06-19 23:41:11
10.[DM] DioGo ft. MoonSpell - Cousins Style02:15:1592015-03-10 19:50:13
11.[DM] Disaster Vol.3 - Stuck in my Nightmare03:04:8622014-08-24 21:36:54
12.[DM] DizzasTeR ft. Techo - Unpretentious Innovation02:35:6942023-03-15 21:03:17
13.[DM] Exodo ft. Chipy - The Essence of the Nature II02:33:9512023-03-28 00:16:45
14.[DM] Exodo ft. Kuki - New Generation II02:29:7292015-03-13 20:27:18
15.[DM] Felina ft. Cryptex ft. Stylex ft. iRenox - A Place of Beauty II02:58:7452014-08-14 22:26:01
16.[DM] Gus Vol.10 - Escaping02:47:6842014-04-10 22:01:18
17.[DM] HawT! Vol.4 - The Fast Lane II03:30:2562015-04-15 20:27:59
18.[DM] HTML# ft. TonyX ft. No1se - Galatha'S II03:04:9862014-08-14 22:13:44
19.[DM] JasieK ft. iSpyrO ft. Flame - Arkham Village02:50:9252014-08-06 21:24:25
20.[DM] K7 Vol.1 - Simple02:43:2672014-03-28 12:47:43

Database updated: Today at 22:50:55

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