
Rank: 3952nd
Account: Esincos
Team: None
Total: 11
1st: 0
2nd: 2
3rd: 2
Finishes: 5
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] Airport Speedway - Season 4 version02:05:3192015-07-10 20:17:35
2.[RACE] back around the block02:15:6602015-07-11 15:53:44
3.[RACE] Complete Drag00:59:3532015-07-10 20:27:48
4.[RACE] FDP Daylightrun 202:26:3762015-07-11 16:01:10
5.[RACE] Freeway Affair01:40:4982015-07-11 15:55:39
6.[RACE] Meltdown 303:25:1342015-07-10 20:21:16
7.[RACE] MSDrag00:53:3902015-07-10 20:28:58
8.[RACE] The knockout extended02:02:4092015-07-10 20:33:38
9.[RACE] The specialist 201302:35:3122015-07-11 15:58:29

Database updated: Today at 03:58:35

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