Fabulous Blood Gamerzz

Rank: 69th
Members: 1
Total: 7,927
1st: 202
2nd: 76
3rd: 23
Finishes: 309
Kills: 3

 MapTotal1st2nd3rdFinishes Kills
861.[DM] Castiell ft. Nebla - Bezelguese530030
862.[DM] SlowSheep Vol.3 - The United1340040
863.[DM] Cosa_Nostra Vol.4 - In Further Blackness4150050
864.[DM] FakeDeath ft. DeAdAnGeL ft. Kiwi - Glowing in the Dark II4251060
865.[DM] D0GGy Vol.7 - D0GGy's Style2972091

Database updated: Today at 02:09:13

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