
Rank: 676th
Account: adi0998
Team: New Styl Potencial
Total: 1,124
1st: 47
2nd: 11
3rd: 6
Finishes: 66
Kills: 1

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[DM] ALV Vol.11 - Hit the floor02:49:4322015-04-28 18:55:42
2.[DM] Conquer ft. Flunkey - Speed Art02:55:5182015-05-05 18:41:54
3.[DM] D0GGy - Amo Bishop Roden02:57:6182015-04-25 17:39:29
4.[DM] Kiwi Vol.8 - Digital Universe II03:07:7852015-04-25 16:07:45
5.[DM] MrM4sl0 Vol.2 - Time To Love02:53:6522015-09-30 17:59:25
6.[DM] norbi Vol.5 - Empathy03:11:6042015-05-11 15:52:20
7.[DM] Novice Vol.7 - White Love03:06:5242015-05-23 17:39:18
8.[DM] R3hab ft. FataL ft. Moita ft. BriaN - Five Stars03:15:4052015-05-12 17:43:51
9.[DM] Roy4L ft. norbi - Stability II02:39:5362015-06-02 18:57:53
10.[DM] Skotinka Vol.2 - Drum and Bass02:36:9992015-04-28 18:20:55
11.[DM] SwoRN ft. SaveS - With The New Adventure02:54:2302015-09-30 17:52:30
12.[DM] Zebra Vol.1 - Unseen Nature03:24:5972015-05-07 15:23:55

Database updated: Today at 02:54:51

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