
Rank: 110th
Account: KLS
Team: Egzotikucskókucstekerc
Total: 16,313
1st: 557
2nd: 134
3rd: 39
Finishes: 754
Kills: 22

 Map TimeDateTop time
201.[DM] Sk2 ft. Roy4L ft. TwisteR - Battle Ship II -02:53:3212015-07-18 12:36:52
202.[DM] Skotinka Vol.2 - Drum and Bass02:40:6822015-06-15 22:57:21
203.[DM] Skull Vol.7 - Toulouse02:55:4492016-03-09 15:52:48
204.[DM] Skull Vol.8 - Insomnia II03:20:8562015-07-08 22:01:36
205.[DM] SleepY Vol.3 - Piece Of Paradise02:20:1582018-04-08 18:36:16
206.[DM] SlowSheep Vol.4 - Rush Hour03:29:4332018-05-04 20:32:36
207.[DM] Snake Vol.10 - Detrimental Depth II04:07:1852016-06-19 15:39:27
208.[DM] SnakeJack Vol.1 - Sensations03:27:1842014-07-08 14:07:53
209.[DM] SoulFly ft. SwoRN - Everlasting Kingdom II03:01:9772015-09-19 17:42:57
210.[DM] SoulFly Vol.1 - Everlasting Kingdom03:20:1022018-05-20 11:22:22
211.[DM] Spectrum Vol.4 - The Place Of Illusions03:36:0612018-05-04 20:38:29
212.[DM] Spectrum Vol.5 - Improbability03:46:7712021-03-10 15:18:45
213.[DM] Spectrum Vol.6 - Distortion Of Perception03:38:2922016-02-21 01:28:41
214.[DM] SpektreM Vol.2 - Where Heroes Fell02:30:1422014-04-29 18:31:10
215.[DM] staNhide Vol.7 - Ocean Of Notion II03:39:7182016-06-19 15:32:11
216.[DM] staNhide Vol.8 - Symphony03:13:8892015-08-05 15:24:27
217.[DM] Stolen ft. ReazZon - Integrity02:58:0762015-02-18 11:33:20
218.[DM] Sunbathe ft. iKucky ft. KnOwN - Interminable II03:23:6332014-08-16 12:42:15
219.[DM] Swee ft. DLF - Pleasant Atmosphere03:13:1602018-03-21 19:28:30
220.[DM] SwoRN ft. SaveS - With The New Adventure02:54:4262017-01-08 14:16:02

Database updated: Today at 13:58:37

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