
Rank: 132nd
Account: Lacoste
Team: None
Total: 16,407
1st: 461
2nd: 49
3rd: 12
Finishes: 533
Kills: 16

 Map TimeDateTop time
41.[DM] CooN Vol.3 - Swan Song02:35:5162014-09-02 22:39:26
42.[DM] CooN Vol.5 - Waterfront02:42:1932014-08-15 14:20:50
43.[DM] Cosa_Nostra Vol.4 - In Further Blackness03:02:2992015-06-23 12:31:20
44.[DM] Cosa_Nostra Vol.6 - In Further Blackness II02:49:4392016-02-01 19:49:57
45.[DM] CresheZ ft. SakY - In Motion II04:07:3602015-05-29 15:32:53
46.[DM] CresheZ ft. Zatley - Organic Flow02:44:9552015-01-06 00:28:41
47.[DM] CresPro ft. Darmos ft. Cheslav ft. Spotlight - Sands of the Desert II03:31:5192016-05-05 21:05:57
48.[DM] CrystalCastles Vol.5 - Forbidden Planet03:22:2902013-12-30 23:10:38
49.[DM] D0GGy Vol.7 - D0GGy's Style02:21:9002015-01-17 17:17:56
50.[DM] Darius Vol.2 - SimpliCity02:50:5382014-09-10 12:46:05
51.[DM] DC Vol.11 - Maximal Crazy03:37:8602015-08-26 17:27:31
52.[DM] DC Vol.14 - HARDSTYLE03:41:1102014-07-11 14:08:46
53.[DM] DC Vol.15 - Fuck You All III04:27:4422014-01-02 16:42:30
54.[DM] DC Vol.16 - Fuck The Decoration03:24:4372014-03-20 14:24:02
55.[DM] Deadline ft. Boost ft. Sapphire ft. Cosa_Nostra - Unity II03:58:8432014-02-06 16:38:56
56.[DM] DeepImpact ft. BriaN - Beast02:54:7392014-05-08 10:40:08
57.[DM] DeLeTe Vol.11 - Weird Mageddon03:34:5802016-02-27 18:59:43
58.[DM] Dimka73 Vol.15 - For The Love Of Cosa_Nostra04:07:0802014-09-15 15:39:18
59.[DM] DioGo ft. MoonSpell - Cousins Style02:16:9072014-07-31 02:06:44
60.[DM] Disaster Vol.3 - Stuck in my Nightmare03:04:2512014-09-14 02:07:46

Database updated: Today at 05:13:03

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