
Rank: 128th
Members: 1
Total: 2,055
1st: 47
2nd: 11
3rd: 3
Finishes: 61
Kills: 1

 MapTotal1st2nd3rdFinishes Kills
1.[DM] Exodo Vol.3 - The Essence Of The Nature810230
2.[DM] Chipy ft. L!nK ft. Moivex - Surpassing511020
3.[DM] CsaWee Vol.4 - Escape520020
4.[DM] CresheZ ft. SakY - In Motion II220020
5.[DM] Rizom ft. Cosa Nostra ft. Disaster - Cold Embrace911020
6.[DM] LabiVila Vol.3 - Almost Invaded411020
7.[DM] DC Vol.11 - Maximal Crazy310010
8.[DM] BuDyA's Vol.9 - A Day To Remember110010
9.[DM] Ron1 Vol.3 - Crush210010
10.[DM] ArMexy - Magical Complacency210010
11.[DM] K7 Vol.1 - Simple510010
12.[DM] Banshee ft. NoS ft. Felina ft. giampa - Strange Valley110010
13.[DM] Punishable ft. AndreaS ft. Dubst3p ft. Darmos - Inifinite601010
14.[DM] HawT ft. AnUs ft. KickEr - Breakout110010
15.[DM] Smyx ft. Dreams ft. RedGTx - Darkness Happiness310010
16.[DM] MrM4sl0 Vol.2 - Time To Love201010
17.[DM] JayZeN ft. Stick ft. EvoleX - Green World310010
18.[DM] Ekk'Z ft. Chipy - Eternal Pain410010
19.[DM] Pusher Vol.1 - Dreamer301010
20.[DM] Disaster Vol.5 - Journey610010

Database updated: Today at 12:38:28

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