
Rank: 42nd
Account: Hardy
Team: Sorsod Borsod!
Total: 23,564
1st: 521
2nd: 146
3rd: 43
Finishes: 737
Kills: 10

 MapTimeDateTop time
161.[DM] GravitY Vol.2 - Evanescence02:44:8672015-07-13 08:33:15
162.[DM] CresPro ft. Darmos ft. Cheslav ft. Spotlight - Sands of the Desert II03:35:6352016-03-19 22:37:05
163.[DM] PuNk ft. DLF ft. Chipy - Opportunities03:00:1592016-02-09 21:19:44
164.[DM] Novice Vol.7 - White Love03:07:5492018-03-25 21:59:32
165.[DM] staNhide Vol.9 - Symphony II03:20:5112016-03-28 12:40:13
166.[DM] Felina ft. Cryptex ft. Stylex ft. iRenox - A Place of Beauty II02:57:1852016-04-29 17:42:21
167.[DM] LaZZ ft. Jil - Zou03:17:4542018-05-05 10:38:17
168.[DM] BlackStar ft. Exodo - Pegasus02:43:4312020-01-04 20:43:12
169.[DM] Tom[My] Vol.4 - Tropical Paradise02:44:4092018-05-01 21:54:16
170.[DM] Excy ft. DLF ft. Tor3To - Forgotten Lands II02:57:1752015-10-22 14:59:10
171.[DM] Ravolt Vol.18 - Water Colossus03:47:0122015-07-27 17:03:01
172.[DM] SlowSheep Vol.4 - Rush Hour03:33:4072016-07-09 17:37:11
173.[DM] RydeR ft. Thyke ft. BrighT - Outside II03:01:3782016-07-05 18:18:04
174.[DM] Thejoker ft. #blOos ft. iNitreke ft. Rabbit - Unseen Lands04:01:2992017-01-07 14:38:21
175.[DM] eXcY Vol.3 - The Magic Of Nature02:57:0002018-04-05 16:29:14
176.[DM] GTX Vol.1 - Stars Dreaming03:52:7932016-04-03 07:51:22
177.[DM] Rage - Just Got Shrekt03:11:7122015-10-20 17:11:22
178.[DM] TriX ft. ZeX - The Forest Of Dreams03:31:2942016-03-14 22:14:26

Database updated: Today at 11:14:06

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