World stunt Evolution|

Rank: 4th
Members: 4
Total: 19,166
1st: 236
2nd: 76
3rd: 16
Finishes: 320
Kills: 0

 MapTotal1st2nd3rd FinishesKills
21.[DM] Disaster Vol.4 - Avatar1910010
22.[DM] ELeMenT Vol.2 - Black Sunshine700000
23.[DM] ShockWave Vol.6 - NoSkill Disallowed II2300000
24.[DM] D4sjokeR Vol.9 - Feeling Stronger700000
25.[DM] Skynet ft. RedGTX ft. Thomas - Time1200000
26.[DM] Exade96 Vol.4 - To The Jungle1100000
27.[DM] Darmos Vol.5 - Through The Nature!700000
28.[DM] LyCry Vol.8 - HIGHER1100000
29.[DM] Jackob Vol.5 - Revolt1400000
30.[DM] SandeX ft. Chipy ft. Evan - Blaze of Glory400000
31.[DM] SpektreM Vol.6 - Aurora1200000
32.[DM] UN3xpected - Feel The Intencity1500000
33.[DM] Dnts45 ft. RuSO ft. WaRRiO - Mexican Power1000000
34.[DM] ShockWave Vol.8 - Unholy Realms3100000
35.[DM] Moonlight Vol.8 - Predator500000
36.[DM] AnUs ft. Aixan ft. TwisteR ft. ReazZon - Waterless Lands100000
37.[DM] AquiL ft. Chipy - Vultures Way400000
38.[DM] Exade ft. Saky - Nature Glow1500000
39.[DM] ReazZon ft. Flame ft. Zebra - Breaking Routines900000
40.[DM] Roslight ft. Chipy ft. Exodo - The Essence Of The Nature III1610010

Database updated: Today at 11:51:10

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