Russian Mafia

Rank: 19th
Members: 4
Total: 174
1st: 43
2nd: 45
3rd: 23
Finishes: 98
Kills: 0

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
1.[RACE] zrink100000
2.[RACE] ZedrimR110010
3.[RACE] Zagzig111010
4.[RACE] You Need Skills100000
5.[RACE] X100000
6.[RACE] Window shopper 2014101010
7.[RACE] Window shopper100000
8.[RACE] Wide open space100110
9.[RACE] Vinewood forever110010
10.[RACE] Under Pressure100110
11.[RACE] Thunder Valley 4200000
12.[RACE] Thunder Valley100110
13.[RACE] the x 101010
14.[RACE] The Venturas Blister100000
15.[RACE] The test110010
16.[RACE] The specialist 9100000
17.[RACE] The specialist 2014100010
18.[RACE] the specialist 2100000
19.[RACE] The smog110010
20.[RACE] The long tour of sa100000

Database updated: Today at 14:01:43

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