I will follow you

Rank: 24th
Account: bpatika
Team: I do it all for love
Total: 48,139
1st: 784
2nd: 162
3rd: 44
Finishes: 1,024
Kills: 13

 Map TimeDateTop time
241.[DM] Snake ft. FataL ft. ConTroL- The Seasons II03:42:5952017-01-21 10:42:50
242.[DM] Snake Vol.10 - Detrimental Depth II04:08:0032016-03-07 23:18:18
243.[DM] SnakeJack Vol.1 - Sensations03:28:4102017-07-22 09:59:24
244.[DM] SoulFly ft. SwoRN - Everlasting Kingdom II03:10:1122017-01-29 10:17:52
245.[DM] SoulFly Vol.1 - Everlasting Kingdom03:26:8732018-04-04 17:37:38
246.[DM] Spectrum Vol.4 - The Place Of Illusions03:39:9062016-11-29 20:17:36
247.[DM] Spectrum Vol.6 - Distortion Of Perception03:37:8902017-04-22 19:27:36
248.[DM] SpektreM Vol.2 - Where Heroes Fell02:22:9782016-04-05 23:52:19
249.[DM] StailoK ft. KeNDo - Natural Holidays II02:57:8342018-04-02 14:27:51
250.[DM] staNhide Vol.7 - Ocean Of Notion II03:39:7722017-04-26 21:30:07
251.[DM] staNhide Vol.8 - Symphony03:12:4472017-03-02 18:35:10
252.[DM] staNhide Vol.9 - Symphony II03:16:1922017-02-08 19:22:56
253.[DM] Stolen ft. ReazZon - Integrity02:57:5722016-12-05 16:48:43
254.[DM] StrangeR ft. V1sh4L ft. EkkZ ft. Ave - Initiation03:33:2552017-04-30 09:49:26
255.[DM] Swee ft. DLF - Pleasant Atmosphere03:20:2722018-03-23 10:55:13
256.[DM] SwoRN ft. SaveS - With The New Adventure02:57:3252017-07-10 10:27:46
257.[DM] SwoRN Vol.5 - Forest Trip02:39:8582017-03-15 12:58:35
258.[DM] sYKu ft. Chipy - Outlines02:29:6352016-03-28 14:36:15
259.[DM] sYKu ft. Flash ft. AquiL - Beyond The Boundaries02:47:5822017-01-13 20:30:46
260.[DM] sYKu ft. Shede/\/\ ft. Chipy - Outlines02:26:0972017-03-04 21:43:19

Database updated: Today at 20:37:13

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