
Rank: 47th
Account: Dealy
Team: None
Total: 8
1st: 2
2nd: 2
3rd: 2
Finishes: 6
Kills: 0

 MapTimeDate Top time
1.[RACE] thundervalley_203:00:2572015-09-02 16:30:19
2.[RACE] tsu oval01:44:2892015-09-02 16:26:35
3.[RACE] Bodybag01:47:6182015-09-02 16:24:36
4.[RACE] Teh dragzor01:27:2372015-09-02 16:22:00
5.[RACE] Rise of the flash01:51:8272015-09-02 16:19:48
6.[RACE] Rise of the comet02:01:5552015-09-02 16:17:39
7.[RACE] Zamdaana02:17:8912015-09-02 16:14:54
8.[RACE] Short Drag00:09:0222015-09-02 16:12:20
9.[RACE] Bandit fudge03:01:1692015-09-02 16:11:26
10.[RACE] LS Trenches03:38:0592015-09-02 16:08:03

Database updated: Today at 18:55:06

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