
Rank: 31st
Account: Mettyu
Team: [CwC] Cuz we Can
Total: 900
1st: 269
2nd: 112
3rd: 43
Finishes: 464
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
21.[RACE] Another airport racetrack02:22:5482014-11-19 11:54:49
22.[RACE] Another day at the quarry02:16:2962014-11-18 22:56:41
23.[RACE] Around 2wice more02:05:0132014-11-19 11:37:08
24.[RACE] Around Around02:20:7772014-11-19 13:44:10
25.[RACE] Assoval01:48:7252014-11-19 11:17:22
26.[RACE] Autodromo02:24:2132014-11-18 21:49:44
27.[RACE] Avacado raceway01:59:4172014-11-19 13:06:27
28.[RACE] Back to reality02:17:1882015-07-05 01:36:10
29.[RACE] BADlands BLASTAround01:52:0342014-08-26 19:51:19
30.[RACE] Baltika02:06:6022014-11-23 18:39:38
31.[RACE] Banana Fishbone V202:40:8012014-11-18 23:29:09
32.[RACE] Banana Fishbone V302:37:6512014-11-18 23:15:31
33.[RACE] Bandito01:01:6592014-08-26 19:56:06
34.[RACE] BankerV202:12:3562014-11-19 19:52:35
35.[RACE] Banshee memorial01:47:9232014-11-18 21:46:33
36.[RACE] Banshee Run01:46:7252014-08-11 22:46:36
37.[RACE] Bayside drag01:12:1672014-11-19 21:27:52
38.[RACE] Bender01:41:6492014-11-19 12:54:08
39.[RACE] Beta Romeo04:34:8772014-07-03 21:56:09
40.[RACE] Big ears01:38:4872014-11-19 20:31:17

Database updated: Today at 03:29:35

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