
Rank: 164th
Account: Lacikaaa15
Team: None
Total: 1,204
1st: 230
2nd: 274
3rd: 142
Finishes: 712
Kills: 2

 MapTimeDate Top time
1.[RACE] 66602:27:0762014-12-09 19:03:34
2.[RACE] Rammers paradise02:04:6702014-12-09 19:05:57
3.[RACE] Bay Area Circuit03:35:5862014-12-09 19:09:49
4.[RACE] The bigger picture02:38:7942014-12-09 20:31:51
5.[RACE] Bandito01:20:5292014-12-10 20:17:24
6.[RACE] certaindeath03:16:6182014-12-10 20:21:09
7.[RACE] Cheetah valley 201:41:1482014-12-10 20:23:37
8.[RACE] LV Sprint01:53:6582014-12-10 20:31:23
9.[RACE] Chicane 2 reverse02:28:2412014-12-10 20:34:07
10.[RACE] steady as you go00:55:2922014-12-11 19:00:53
11.[RACE] Inception02:34:9502014-12-11 19:04:14
12.[RACE] Country Slide01:23:4212014-12-11 19:17:13
13.[RACE] Complete Drag01:05:4812014-12-11 19:28:59
14.[RACE] SF by Night03:11:7492014-12-13 19:23:39
15.[RACE] Mega drive backwards01:55:6182014-12-13 19:30:07
16.[RACE] 10Lap Hotring02:30:7082014-12-13 19:33:10
17.[RACE] The specialist 701:47:2272014-12-14 21:43:04
18.[RACE] Breakfast club02:12:2392014-12-14 21:50:17
19.[RACE] Blue water R02:14:5012014-12-14 21:52:47
20.[RACE] Marmite01:48:6042014-12-16 20:17:36

Database updated: Today at 02:08:32

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