Sorsod Borsod!

Rank: 66th
Members: 5
Total: 6,852
1st: 253
2nd: 34
3rd: 7
Finishes: 293
Kills: 0

 MapTotal1st2nd3rdFinishes Kills
41.[DM] OxY Vol.3 - The Reality Of Nature820020
42.[DM] CresheZ ft. SakY - In Motion II2220020
43.[DM] SwoRN ft. SaveS - With The New Adventure720020
44.[DM] Novice Vol.6 - Dark Love II820020
45.[DM] staNhide Vol.9 - Symphony II1020020
46.[DM] FataL ft. ZeeT ft. ConTroL - The Fortune711020
47.[DM] GameX Vol.16 - The Chance520020
48.[DM] Skull Vol.8 - Insomnia II711020
49.[DM] RonnYBRA Vol.5 - Thanks For All II1020020
50.[DM] DLF Vol.6 - Footprints Of Magic1120020
51.[DM] Thejoker ft. #blOos ft. iNitreke ft. Rabbit - Unseen Lands611020
52.[DM] Tom[My] ft. AsTo[N] ft. Esp4wN ft. ~ProtoN! - Tropical Paradise II1020020
53.[DM] TheNicO ft. Dioni ft. Memphis - Another Day III1320020
54.[DM] ShuX ft. SandeX ft. Flash - Radical Redemption620020
55.[DM] DeLeTe Vol.12 - Restoration2020020
56.[DM] SkraXx Vol.10 - The Way Up1920020
57.[DM] DioGo ft. AnUs ft. ReazZon - Million Miles910010
58.[DM] ExcisioN Vol.6 - Unforgettable210010
59.[DM] Andershell Vol.4 Pure Skills Paradise2010010
60.[DM] FakeDeath Vol.7 - Blackout710010

Database updated: Today at 15:50:49

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