Back To The Future

Rank: 52nd
Members: 0
Total: 4,974
1st: 117
2nd: 24
3rd: 2
Finishes: 131
Kills: 2

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
21.[DM] Almanov Vol.5 - Wrais Map300000
22.[DM] AlpisT - Heaven500000
23.[DM] AlpisT - Rose Red200000
24.[DM] ALV Vol.10 - In Crescendo200000
25.[DM] ALV Vol.11 - Hit the floor300000
26.[DM] AlvarO Vol.2 - Golden Sauce200000
27.[DM] Alw7eeD Vol.8 - The land Of Monsters200000
28.[DM] AmiabLe Vol.10 - Intuition100000
29.[DM] AmiabLe Vol.8 - Levitate300000
30.[DM] AmiabLe Vol.9 - Draw A Line II100000
31.[DM] AmonRa Vol.2 - Improved Island300000
32.[DM] AmonRa Vol.3 - Hold It Down II1000000
33.[DM] Andershell ft. Micra - Need For Skill II1700000
34.[DM] Andershell Vol.4 Pure Skills Paradise1900000
35.[DM] Andershell Vol.5 - Pure Skills Paradise II700000
36.[DM] AndreaS Vol.1 - Deceleration100000
37.[DM] Andro ft. BriaN ft. CresheZ - Stylo600000
38.[DM] Andro ft. Cosa_Nostra - Slippin100000
39.[DM] Andro ft. Stolen - Abyssal Revelation400000
40.[DM] Andro ft. XeaT - Spurious Past200000

Database updated: Today at 02:05:42

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