no advance

Rank: 12th
Members: 2
Total: 1,776
1st: 464
2nd: 463
3rd: 241
Finishes: 1,063
Kills: 7

 MapTotal1st2nd3rdFinishes Kills
21.[RACE] Meltdown 3422140
22.[RACE] Rise of the flash410240
23.[RACE] neider forest411240
24.[RACE] FIIK412140
25.[RACE] Daisy chain 3521140
26.[RACE] EasyGT513040
27.[RACE] paperclip530240
28.[RACE] Blackout540040
29.[RACE] Fire512140
30.[RACE] world hold on421140
31.[RACE] imolaesque631040
32.[RACE] Desert Buffalo 2412140
33.[RACE] Buggy611140
34.[RACE] Damnation303030
35.[RACE] Rusty Rustlers310130
36.[RACE] Downshit311230
37.[RACE] Grindhouse421030
38.[RACE] relapse322130
39.[RACE] Nightshock420030
40.[RACE] Jumper403130

Database updated: Today at 05:35:49

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