zihark's team

Rank: 278th
Members: 1
Total: 101
1st: 0
2nd: 0
3rd: 0
Finishes: 0
Kills: 0

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
1.[DM] ZJK ft. Shine - Breakout II200000
2.[DM] ZJK - Breakout200000
3.[DM] xCro Vol.3 - Speedrush100000
4.[DM] Vortex Vol.12 - The Last Stand100000
5.[DM] VenoM Vol.6 - Phenomenal Nature100000
6.[DM] TNT ft. Chipy ft. LinK - Don't Lose Hope100000
7.[DM] TenTimes Vol.8 - One Last Time100000
8.[DM] TenTimes Vol.6 - Doomsday Ending100000
9.[DM] TenTimes Vol.4 - Doomsday Continuation100000
10.[DM] Tecla ft. Gasoil - Fortress Of Insolence100000
11.[DM] Spectrum Vol.7 - Desert Storm II200000
12.[DM] Skotinka Vol.2 - Drum and Bass200000
13.[DM] Sentax ft. Jil ft. Gonzi ft. Slimy - Shatterland100000
14.[DM] SandeX ft. Chipy ft. CsaWee - The Sleepless World100000
15.[DM] Rizom ft. Cosa Nostra ft. Disaster - Cold Embrace100000
16.[DM] Risky Vol.2 - Primal Energy100000
17.[DM] RedGTx ft. MarckkZ - Zidra Skillz100000
18.[DM] Ravolt Vol.19 - Ravoltage II100000
19.[DM] Rage - Final Just Got Shrekt100000
20.[DM] R1KUZ ft. Rage ft. PheniaN - L2P II100000

Database updated: Today at 08:48:30

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