no advance

Rank: 12th
Members: 2
Total: 1,776
1st: 464
2nd: 463
3rd: 241
Finishes: 1,063
Kills: 7

 MapTotal1st2nd3rdFinishes Kills
1.[RACE] Mega drive100000
2.[RACE] Fuk Da Polis300000
3.[RACE] Taplologaz200000
4.[RACE] Nascar200000
5.[RACE] Tma-Sa-2100000
6.[RACE] Bike Climping200000
7.[RACE] Rubber lover300000
8.[RACE] budapest_v4200000
9.[RACE] GoD - Bridge100000
10.[RACE] Summerlove200000
11.[RACE] Vinewood BLASTAround200000
12.[RACE] Daisy chain100000
13.[RACE] Chiliad Climb400000
14.[RACE] turningtricks100000
15.[RACE] closeracing3100000
16.[RACE] Lazarus reverse100000
17.[RACE] footdown300000
18.[RACE] Thunder Valley100000
19.[RACE] The long tour of sa200000
20.[RACE] cN Test Race300000

Database updated: Today at 19:44:58

Designed by Surge