
Rank: 52nd
Members: 2
Total: 68
1st: 16
2nd: 4
3rd: 7
Finishes: 37
Kills: 9

 MapTotal1st2nd 3rdFinishesKills
21.[RACE] Elegy venture100110
22.[RACE] Increased pressure100000
23.[RACE] Coaster drag110010
24.[RACE] LA Hardcore 2100010
25.[RACE] Beerfactory drag100010
26.[RACE] Bike blaze 3110010
27.[RACE] LV Bike Champ100110
28.[RACE] Bike blaze 2110010
29.[RACE] Another airport racetrack100010
30.[RACE] MSDrag110010
31.[RACE] Alpha Attack LV110010
32.[RACE] Super sprint200000
33.[RACE] The Arizona Strip100000
34.[RACE] Climping100000
35.[RACE] 303100010
36.[RACE] closeracing 10110010
37.[RACE] Off the curb110010
38.[RACE] tunnel truble100000
39.[RACE] down in the valley220020
40.[RACE] treadstone100000

Database updated: Today at 08:43:54

Designed by Surge