
Rank: 138th
Account: Joriol2
Team: giga chad team
Total: 3
1st: 0
2nd: 0
3rd: 0
Finishes: 0
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] banshee mountain03:20:3132019-11-04 09:20:57
2.[RACE] Bowling00:26:1942019-10-22 10:27:04
3.[RACE] Elegy venture02:21:5812019-11-04 09:17:12
4.[RACE] extra life02:56:8672019-10-22 10:22:20
5.[RACE] Scooby valley 201:56:0392019-10-22 10:17:05
6.[RACE] The big kahuna03:07:4682019-11-04 09:02:20
7.[RACE] the fierro comet03:17:0502019-10-22 10:26:17
8.[RACE] Wu Zi Mu04:52:1972019-11-04 09:14:16

Database updated: Today at 13:57:44

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