
Rank: 55th
Account: Gr0x
Team: Gladiators of Darkness
Total: 18,673
1st: 443
2nd: 92
3rd: 41
Finishes: 610
Kills: 28

  MapTimeDateTop time
1.[DM] Andershell ft. Micra - Need For Skill II04:06:5542019-02-07 23:42:38
2.[DM] IntreLeX Vol.11 - Stolen Theory02:50:2882014-06-09 19:01:33
3.[DM] CooN ft. XeaT ft. DioGo - The Walking Dead03:53:0712015-11-07 17:36:54
4.[DM] CooN Vol.3 - Swan Song03:21:5152015-09-05 02:29:52
5.[DM] Deadline ft. Boost ft. Sapphire ft. Cosa_Nostra - Unity II03:30:3422014-01-07 22:54:28
6.[DM] DeepImpact ft. BriaN - Beast03:11:6362014-07-28 22:16:29
7.[DM] ExcisioN Vol.7 - Self Control02:57:0252015-05-16 14:07:59
8.[DM] Andershell Vol.4 Pure Skills Paradise05:20:0132014-08-07 15:34:35
9.[DM] FakeDeath Vol.7 - Blackout02:59:8412014-08-11 00:48:39
10.[DM] iRenox ft. LabiVila ft. XMattix ft. Scar - Project Nova03:05:9462013-12-30 16:41:32
11.[DM] Moonlight ft. Quantum - Boxville Trip01:41:0392014-04-18 22:34:13
12.[DM] norbi Vol.4 - Untried II03:04:7462015-09-20 20:59:33
13.[DM] Note ft. norbi ft. StronGT - Helium II03:15:0252015-08-02 18:23:00
14.[DM] Quantum Vol.1 - Showdown03:06:8402013-12-26 19:45:42
15.[DM] Rafinha Vol.11 - Black and Yellow III03:58:8112015-05-10 18:18:15
16.[DM] SaPpHirE ft. Deadline ft. Xenioo - Silence Of Nature II03:17:2402015-06-29 15:07:06
17.[DM] Skull Vol.7 - Toulouse03:06:6752015-04-26 12:13:56
18.[DM] xCro Vol.4 - Raindrops-III02:25:3162015-09-18 23:31:44
19.[DM] SazukE# Vol.6 - Deep in the Dark02:49:7792014-08-31 14:42:04
20.[DM] DoPeR ft. SebaS - DS Xperience03:44:9472015-07-14 21:25:15

Database updated: Today at 11:13:52

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